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  • L. Dijkstra – Wachtmeester der Koninklijke Marechaussee bij Ministerie van Defensie
  • Henk van Knotsenburg CPO – Security management & Partner
  • Tom Thoopthaisong – Police officer, Dutch National Police
  • Jaquie Davis – Operations Director Optimal Risk Group Ltd UK
  • Ross Merison – Operations Director Rock Security Solutions UK
Retsan is niet alleen een leraar. Zijn kennis en kunde heeft hij op een passievolle manier op ons overgebracht, wat het volgen van de lessen niet alleen interessant, maar ook erg leuk maakte. Retsan weet, door onder andere eigen ervaring, de stof op een leuke en doeltreffende manier over te brengen. Ook gaf Retsan ons de ruimte om bepaalde dingen zelf te ontdekken en humor stond in de lessen ook nooit in de weg! Het is voor mij een zeer leerzame periode geweest waar ik alleen maar mijn voordelen uit zal halen! Kortom, super opleiding waar ik veel heb geleerd.L. Dijkstra
Wachtmeester der Koninklijke Marechaussee bij Ministerie van Defensie
Retsan is a highly sought after, very methodical close protection professional. He pays attention to detail, is an excellent leader and leads by example. I would highly recommend Retsan in any security management type of role.Preston Johnson
In Februari 2016 I have done the 7-day close protection course of Backup Concept. Retsan was my/ our trainer. Retsan is serious, calm, restrained but also enthusiast and a spirited trainer. The 7-day training course has been intense but also educational. Retsan knew how to train the group effectively. For me it was working well. I had not one boring moment or a moment that I lost my attention. Even at the practical exercises Retsan was a good coach and attendant. He is working hard and constantly sharing his knowledge.Henk van Knotsenburg CPO
Security management & Partner
I highly recommend Retsan Koers! I want to thank Retsan for the valubale lessons and his tactics when it comes to close protection. Retsan has a great and open mind. He didn't give the standard lesson, like a teacher and a student, but he is taking you step by step and explaining the detail so there is no more question about the lessons. The way he teached and explained is clear and easy to understand. When i have questions, he always replied! He is not only a teacher but to me he is also my mentor. Thank you very much Ret! and we'll see each other again soon!Tom Thoopthaisong
Police officer, Dutch National Police
Retsan did a great job working with colleagues he had not met before, he fitted in well with the team and fulfilled his role in a timely and professional manner.Jaquie Davis
Operations Director Optimal Risk Group Ltd UK
Retsan assisted my CP detail for a UHNW client and his associates on a trip to Netherlands. After an introduction and meeting, we worked together to put specific measures in place to ensure a successful trip. Retsan had the local knowledge which we relied on heavily. His recommendations and input contributed to making the whole visit a smooth, yet fluid operation. I would highly recommend Retsan to any CP teams operating in Netherlands, or neighbouring EU countries. a valuable asset to any executive team.Ross Merison
Operations Director Rock Security Solutions UK
